Thursday, September 6, 2012

Improving Resident Retention: Putting the Resident’s Convenience above Your Own via Property Management Insider

I recently saw a post on Facebook where a customer wrote a personal thank you to a popular grocery store. In his post, he explained that he arrived at the store and not realizing that the store had closed ten minutes prior, tried to enter the store. He found the entrance locked, however a manager opened the door and asked how she could help the man. The customer explained that he just needed to get one item and didn’t realize the store had closed. As he turned to walk back to his car, the manager invited him into the store and told him to take his time getting the item he needed. The man hurriedly grabbed the item and headed to the checkout.

At the checkout, he was greeted cheerfully by a cashier who proceeded to ask if the customer needed anything more than just the one item. The man told her that he didn’t want to hold them up and would come back the next day. The cashier smiled and responded, “You should get it now. That’s what we’re here for.” The customer told her that his one item was enough, paid for his purchase, thanked the cashier and left the store.

Read more...Improving Resident Retention: Putting the Resident’s Convenience above Your Own | Property Management Insider

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