Monday, March 5, 2012

Trepp Reports Sharp Decline in CMBS Delinquency Rate, Matching 12 Month Low via MarketWatch

Trepp, LLC, the leading provider of information, analytics and technology to the CMBS, commercial real estate and banking markets, released its February 2012 U.S. CMBS Delinquency Report today (available at ).

The delinquency rate for U.S. commercial real estate loans in CMBS fell 15 basis points in February to 9.37%. The value of delinquent loans is now $56.4 billion.

In February, the value of loans being resolved with losses was under $1 billion, and while significantly less than the $1.6 billion in January, contributed about 15 basis points of downward pressure on the delinquency rate. The rate was pushed down further by the effects of loans curing (60 basis points), new CMBS issuance and loans paying off in full (3 basis points combined), while newly delinquent loans put 63 basis points of upward pressure on the rate.

Read more...Trepp Reports Sharp Decline in CMBS Delinquency Rate, Matching 12 Month Low - MarketWatch

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