Monday, March 19, 2012

CMBS Slows as Maturities, Capital Vehicles Grow via

Most CMBS specialists agree about a few facts for 2012: The 2007 loans will bring more maturities this year; fewer delinquencies are matching the better job market; and there is increased capital available for deals as life firms and banks step up lending again. Even though some disagree whether there will be more originations than 2011, which saw about $30 billion, that figure isn’t expected to change much this year.

Andrew Wright, CEO and managing partner of Tampa-based Franklin Street, tells that from a structural delivery standpoint, he believes 2012 will be better than last year. “There’s a lot of capital flowing in, and the tremendous amount of maturities will make deals a lot more accessible to investors.”

About a trillion dollars of debt, loans done at the peak of the commercial real estate bubble, is maturing during the next three-to-four years, though CMBS represents a relatively small portion of the loans coming due. There’s about $79 billion of CMBS maturing in the remainder of 2012 and about $50 billion maturing in 2013.

Read - CMBS Slows as Maturities, Capital Vehicles Grow - Daily News Article

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