Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Foreign Investments in U.S. Commercial Real Estate | the Blog of the Real Estate Center

Why is the U.S. dollar strong? Why is the ten-year Treasury rate at 2.7 percent, even when the tapering operation is underway? Why are cap rates for commercial real estate still compressing? The answer to these three questions could be that while the United States has its problems, it’s still the prettiest pig at the trough. Where else are you going to invest your money?

Remember the BRIC countries? For several years, that was the ubiquitous investment theme. Brazil, Russia, India and China. Money rolled into these countries. Exchange-traded funds and mutual funds were launched. America was viewed as the slow-growth option. The future was brighter in the BRICs.

What a difference a few years can make.

Read more...Foreign Investments in U.S. Commercial Real Estate | the Blog of the Real Estate Center

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