Thursday, May 30, 2013

How to Choose a Green Certification Program via Multifamily Executive Magazine

So you’ve decided to have your next building certified green, but with all the different programs out there, how do you decide which one to use? As with most questions, the answer is “it depends.”

It depends on your building—new or existing; low- mid-, or high-rise. Each program addresses building types differently, and understanding these differences will help determine the best program to fit your needs.

It also depends on your investors: Do they prefer one program over another? It depends on your area: Are there local programs that have strong market recognition, or should you use a national program? It depends on your team’s experience: If your architect and contractor have certified several projects through one particular program, it may make sense to stick with what they already know well. It depends on the cost: Certification incurs costs for field inspections and fees to certifying organizations, which can vary greatly. Finally, it depends on local requirements and available incentives: Some jurisdictions require or promote specific green certifications by offering tax credits, utility rebates, expedited permitting, or other bonuses for certifying green.

Read more...How to Choose a Green Certification Program - Green Standards, Green Building - Multifamily Executive Magazine

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